Our Defence Against Ageing – Nature's Blends
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The Science, Diets and Natural Treatments to use for Anti-Aging

Throughout history, people have sought to increase their lifespan and maintain a more youthful appearance. Stories have been told for millennia about a mythical "Fountain of Youth" and adventurous entrepreneurs have scoured the globe searching for a herb, pill or formula that will keep people young, energetic and attractive.

The obsession with youthful appearances has given birth to lucrative industries offering numerous treatments to keep us young and beautiful. Annually, billions of dollars are spent on people seeking the anti-ageing Hail-Mary. The bulk of the spending is usually on plastic surgery, diet regimen, specialised skincare products including herbal remedies. This spending spree is not only dangerous at times but is a waste of resources.

Can We Delay The Inevitable?

Is there a safe and natural way to stay looking and feeling young? Can we turn back the clock to stay ever-green and ever-so youthful?

The truth is that old age, sickness and ultimately death are part of what it means to be human but the good news is that there is much we can do to slow down this process and improve our quality of life.

What Does Modern Research Say?

Modern clinical research has shown that diet and exercise have the most profound effect on staying healthy and energetic. Foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty oils ward off disease and keep the body looking and feeling young.

Regular exercise and activities like yoga, Pilates and tai chi reduce stress and increase vigour. Many herbal remedies and supplements used for centuries in Asia have also been shown in clinical studies to increase anti-ageing hormones and longevity.

  1. The Role Of Minerals

Minerals are a key component to increase energy, balance hormones, improve skin tone and even stimulate libido. Foods that are rich in absorbable minerals are whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, almonds, leafy green vegetables and seaweed. Though these supplements are proven to be of much use, sometimes they are a nuisance for the body when it comes to assimilation and absorption.

  1. The Impact Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are well known to ward off cancer but also prevent cells from premature ageing. Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, acai berries and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants. Research conducted into blueberry extract showed improvements in short-term memory loss and reversed some loss of balance and coordination in ageing rats.

 A diet rich in antioxidant-packed spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, oregano, parsley, cumin and sage will also prevent disease and keep you looking and feeling young. Green tea, known to contain several antioxidants, has long been used in Asia to benefit digestion, increase vitality and lengthen life spans.

  1. Anti-Aging And Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are an important asset in the fight against ageing. Deficiency in these oils has been linked to many diseases as well as premature ageing of the skin. Foods that are rich in these fatty oils include freshwater fish, nuts and seeds which halt inflammation at the cellular levels, hence working as an anti-ageing agent.

Omega 3 oils also improve brain function and may even prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. eating enough of these fatty oils will make sure your skin is less puffy, toned and gives the skin an unmatched radiance.

  1. The Importance Of Meditation

Meditation and yoga have become an extremely popular activity in the West and studies have suggested that meditators have the ageing hormone quantities of someone who is 5 to 10 years younger.

Clinical research has shown increased levels of melatonin, DHEA and serotonin as well as a reduction in cortisol (the "stress hormone") in people who regularly meditate. HGH levels are also increased in those who meditate, this is the same HGH that is responsible for children, having endless amounts of energy.

  1. All Hail Shilajit?

Shilajit, an Ayurvedic herbal remedy, and the new herb of choice among the Hollywood elite have sat at the pinnacle of rejuvenation and anti-ageing therapy in India for thousands of years. The ancient texts that imply its use even allege that organic Shilajit can increase the lifespan of someone to 100 years by stopping the decay of cells.

These claims are a bit exaggerated, but modern research has shown us a surplus of Shilajit benefits by using pure Shilajit, including anti-ageing properties. Shilajit has been shown to balance hormones, increase energy, and promote weight loss. Shilajit also improves cognitive brain functions like memory and there is evidence it could help to treat or prevent Alzheimer's.

Much of the benefits derived from taking Shilajit stem from its rich and absorbable content of over 85 different minerals and trace elements. Another reason it may be so helpful in anti-ageing is its high content of naturally occurring Fulvic acid, a nutrient boosting more energy and used by athletes. Even racehorses seem to profit from the energising effect.

Fulvic acid also acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell necrosis and scours the body of free radicals. Pure Shilajit is a black gummy substance that is rare and expensive.

Please make sure that before using any herb or natural health supplement always consult your doctor or health care professional.

Get the best Shilajit in the UK, from Natures Blends.

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