Black Seed Oil Benefits for Asthma [Recipes] | Natures Blends – Nature's Blends
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Black Seed Oil for Asthma + 3 Practical Ways to Use It

Black seed for asthma

Black Seed Oil for Asthma Relief + 3 Practical Ways to Use It

According to Asthma UK, a leading membership charity campaigning to raise awareness about asthma, over 5.4 million people in the United Kingdom (UK) are currently under treatment for asthma. The organisation also states that on average, 3 people lose their lives to severe asthma attacks every day and every 30 seconds someone in the UK suffers from a potentially fatal asthma attack.

Asthma is a serious public health problem in the UK, and it deserves our immediate attention. The debilitating condition affects both children (1 in every 11) and adults (1 in every 12).

Since asthma is a lifelong condition, it needs to be managed properly. Thanks to advancement in medical science, asthmatic individuals now have access to over-the-counter medication. Researchers are also keenly interested in the therapeutic potential of traditional remedies for asthma.

Black seed oil is one such natural remedy. Said to alleviate the symptoms of asthma and related respiratory issues, organic black seed oil is gaining traction as an effective asthma relief option. Many asthmatic individuals swear by its therapeutic effects and recommend it to others.

Before we delve into the potential benefits of black seed oil for asthma and how you can use it (yes we have recipes too!), lets take a moment to understand asthma:

What is Asthma?

Asthma, also known as ‘reactive airway diseases’ is a chronic and long-term medical condition in which the respiratory system over-reacts to the external environment. Asthmatic individuals often suffer from devastating and disruptive symptoms such as chronic coughing, breathlessness, wheezing and chest tightness or pain.

Asthma primarily affects our airways which are tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. In asthmatic patients, the muscles surrounding the airways tighten up, causing the airways to become narrower. The sensitive lining of the airways becomes swollen and begins discharging sputum- a sticky type of mucus in the respiratory tract. As a result, the airways become even more constricted and obstruct the air flow to the lungs, making it harder to breathe.

What Causes Asthma?

According to research, most asthmatic patients are triggered by allergens in the external environment. Some of the common allergens found around us include food particles, drinks, dust, mites, mildew and pollen.

If these factors are present in the immediate surroundings of an asthmatic individual, their respiratory system goes into overdrive, causing severe spasms inside the lungs. These spasms lead to a buildup of mucous in the airways causing breathlessness, dizziness, wheezing and all the other symptoms associated with asthma. Studies found that all this occurs because of an overactive or altered immune response to external particles.

Living with Asthma

Asthma is a long-term condition that can be controlled with a mix of medication and lifestyle changes. Quitting smoking, eating healthy, exercising regularly and getting vaccinated are some of the initiatives that an asthmatic patient can take to control the frequency and severity of the asthma attacks.

Moreover, patients with asthma should carry their inhaler and medication with them all the time. They should also make an honest attempt to educate themselves on asthma so they can identify what triggers their allergy. Some allergens such as animal fur and dust mites can be removed from the surroundings to reduce attacks.

Asthmatic patients should take time out to see their medical practitioner for regular check-ups. The doctor can monitor the frequency of asthma attacks and recommend relevant medication or steps to make the condition more manageable.

Lastly, finding support is also crucial for asthmatic patients. Asthma is a condition that can get increasingly disruptive and cause undue stress, isolation and depression. Asthma patients may find it helpful to discuss their experience with the condition and exchange insights on it.

What is Black Seed Oil?

Organic Black seed oil, also known as black cumin seed oil, is a health-giving oil extracted from  seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant. Nigella Sativa is a useful tropical plant with pale purple, blue or white blooms. Even though the black seed plant is native to South and Southwest Asia, it is also grown in Middle East, Eastern Europe and various parts of Africa.

Due to its strong flavour, enticing aroma and replenishing properties, black cumin seed oil is commonly used in cooking. There are several different ways to incorporate black seed oil in the diet.

Black cumin oil also has innumerable health benefits . This ancient herbal remedy has only recently caught the attention of researchers who are interested in exploring the medicinal potential of this panacea. Preliminary studies confirm that black cumin oil may have a multitude of benefits.

Black Seeds Show Promise for Asthma

Black seeds contain a cocktail of essential and health-promoting compounds. The natural ingredients present in black cumin oil have many benefits for asthma patients; they can boost the immunity, reduce inflammation and ease the airways to bring relief to those with asthma.

Why Use Black Seed Oil for Asthma?

Organic black seed oil is rich in many nutrients including vitamins B and E, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, different kinds of phytonutrients, antioxidants, phospholipids and a variety of essential minerals including iron, calcium and potassium. Together, these compounds work to promote overall health and wellness.

The unsaturated fatty acids present in this wonderfully replenishing herbal oil are important, particularly for asthma patients. Organic black seed oil is loaded with linoleic and gamma linolenic acids which alleviate symptoms of allergy.

Black cumin seed oil also contains an active compound called Nigellon Semohiprepinon. Nigellon can reduce the symptoms of bronchial asthma and allergies by relaxing the airways and reducing the release of histamines in the bloodstream.

Another active antihistamine and anti-inflammatory compound, namely Thymohydrochinone makes black seed oil the perfect herbal remedy for asthma. Two potent antioxidants namely beta-sisterol and thymoquinone are also present in this amber-hued oil.

These active ingredients can reduce inflammation, reduce mucous buildup and relax the airways, making it easier to breath. For people with asthma, these properties can prove to be nothing less than a blessing.

Next, let’s examine how black cumin seed oil and asthma relief have gone hand in hand for centuries

Historic Usage of Black Seed Oil for Respiratory Problems

Due to its wealth of beneficial compounds and anti-inflammatory properties, black cumin seed oil was historically used to treat respiratory problems.

From Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician known as the ‘founder of medicine’ to Avicenna (Ibn-Sina), a Persian Muslim polymath who is considered the ‘father of modern medicine’, every ancient physician who was aware of black seeds recommended them as a therapeutic remedy.

Avicenna wrote that the Nigella Sativa seeds were particularly helpful in countering breathlessness and preventing mucous build-up. Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya, another noteworthy Muslim scientist and scholar from Damascus, also reported that black seeds were beneficial for people suffering from wheezing and breathing problems.

Contemporary Evidence

The therapeutic content of black seed oil did not fail to catch interest of researchers and scientists in this day and age either. Several clinical studies have been conducted to explore the potential of black seeds for asthma relief. Here’s what we know about the benefits of cumin oil:

Human Studies:

A study, published in Phytotherapy Research, explored the curative potential of black seed oil for asthma. The research was conducted on a group of 80 asthmatic adults. During the study, half of the adults were provided black seed oil while the rest received a placebo dosage of olive oil. After 4 weeks, the study concluded that adults who were given black seed oil supplements performed better on an Asthma Control Test.

In another study conducted on a group of 29 asthmatic individuals, 15 participants received black seed extracts and the other 14 were given a placebo for a duration of 3 months. It was found that the adults who received black seeds for asthma fared better than the rest. There was an improvement in their asthma symptoms and the frequency of their attacks decreased. They also performed well on a Pulmonary Function Test. Research also indicated that adults who took black seeds were able to cut down on their use of inhalers and other medical treatments.

Another study, spanning over 2 weeks, found that 15 asthma patients who took boiled organic black seed extracts had wider bronchioles and enhanced performance on the Pulmonary Function Test.  Another study showed that black seeds also reduced symptoms such as sneezing and nasal irritation as well as congestion.

Animal Studies:

The anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects of black cumin seed oil have been explored in various preliminary animal studies. Black seed oil contains beneficial ingredients that can potentially decrease tissue and muscular spasms. This wonderful herbal oil has been known to relax the respiratory muscles and decrease contractions within the respiratory system.

A study conducted on rats and guinea pigs affirms the health-promoting properties of black seed oil. The study concluded that rats that were given black seed supplements had lesser respiratory problems and reduced airway swelling.

How to Use Black Seed Oil for Asthma Relief?

One of the best things about organic black seed oil is that it is very versatile. You can take oral supplements, use it for a relaxing massage or inhale it to counter airway congestion caused by asthma. Here is how you can use black cumin seed oil for asthma relief:

Oral supplements:

You can pick from black seed food supplement capsules, pure and strong oil drops, black seed infused honey or you can simply opt for raw black seeds. If you are planning on taking oral supplements, consulting your physician first is a must. They can apprise you of your options and recommend a dosage level that suits you.

Topical Application Recipe:

If you are averse to the strong taste of black seed oil, you can go for a relaxing rub-down instead. You only need two ingredients to prepare a relaxing oil concoction; extra virgin olive oil and black seed oil.

Start with arranging a clean container. Pour one part organic black seed oil in five parts olive oil. Use a spoon to stir the two oils together, mix well.

Well done, you have prepared your oil mix. Now sit back, relax and rub this mix on your chest and back in a gentle, circular motion.  

Inhalation Recipe:

Another way to consume black seed oil is to inhale its vapors. This method is effective in combating congestion and mucus build-up.

 Prepare the oil mix by adding five parts olive oil and one-part black seed oil. Stir the liquids together and then heat them on a low flame. Once the vapors begin forming, take a deep breath and inhale as much of them as you can. This will help the bronchial tubes relax and get rid of the excessive sputum in your airways.

You can use black seed oil in this manner for asthma attacks, allergies and even nasal congestion.

Where to get the best black seed oil in UK?

Experience the marvelous properties of black seed oil with Nature’s Blends. Nature’s Blends is a one-stop-shop for all things raw, organic and pure.

Our black seed collection features the best cold-pressed black seed oil, black seed capsules  (vegan options available),  infused honey and premium Ethiopian black seeds. Explore our black seed range!

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