7 Things You Did Not Know About Black Cumin Seed Oil | NB – Nature's Blends
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7 Things You Didn't Know About Black Cumin Seed Oil

Black seed oil benefits

Of late, we have been hearing a great deal about the benefits of ancient botanical oils. Black seed oil, otherwise known as black cumin oil, is one of the oils we hear about a lot these days. The West might be new to this wonderful herbal extract but people in other parts of the world were quick to realize the replenishing properties of natural black seed oil. That was why it was used liberally in food and medicine by the natives of Southwest Asia, Mediterranean and Africa. Here in the United Kingdom (UK), we might be new to this amber hued health oil, but it is never too late to catch up.

We would like to help, so here are 7 things we bet you didn't know about black cumin seed oil:

  1. The nomenclature says it all!

The ancient Latin term for black seeds was ‘panacea’ which means all healing or ‘cure all’. The Arabs used to call Nigella Sativa seeds ‘Habbat el Baraka’ which literally translates to ‘seeds of blessing’.

  1. Ancient Greek physicians sang praises of black cumin oil

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician who is considered the father of early medicine, loved pure black seed oil and recommended it as a remedy for several ailments, particularly digestive issues. References to ‘melanthion’ (which literally means little black seed) can be found in multiple Hippocratic recipes. Galen, another Greek surgeon and philosopher listed both superficial and internal uses of black seed oil in his medicinal texts.

  1. Tutankhamen took black seeds to his grave

Ancient Egyptians revered black cumin oil enough to bury it with their dead. The Egyptians believed that their dead would be resurrected in afterlife, so they buried essential ‘grave goods’ or artifacts along with the deceased. When the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, who ruled ancient Egypt from 1336-1327 BCE, was excavated, archeologists found remains of black seeds amongst his accompanying goods.

  1. Black seed oil remedies were mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures

References to black seeds or ‘Kalonji’ as it is called in India, can be found in ancient ayurvedic medicinal texts. Black cumin seed oil was used to cure boils and treat skin problems such as eczema. Ayurvedic texts also recommend the use of kalonji to build Agnior achieve metabolic balance.

  1. Cleopatra and Nefertiti were fond of black cumin oil

Cleopatra, the ancient ruler of Egypt, was known for many things including her intellect, political advances and beauty.  Cleopatra used black cumin oil in her beauty treatments. Nefertiti, another majestic Egyptian Queen, also used black seed oil for her hair.

  1. Ancient biblical texts mention Nigella Sativa 

Old Biblical texts like the Book of Isiah from Hebrew Bible also describe the use of black seeds in detail. The Book of Isiah refers to Nigella Sativa seeds as ‘curative black cumin’.

  1. Black seeds are included in Sunnah Foods

Black seed oil also has a special status in Islam. Sunnah foods are basically food items that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) loved and recommended for the rest of the Muslim Ummah (community). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) described black seeds as a universal cure. He said that the black seed was medicine for every disease except death. Hadith literature compiled in 8thand 9thcentury describes the medicinal benefits and uses of black seeds.


Where Can I Find the Best Black Seed Oil in the UK?

At Nature’s Blends, we believe in bringing you nature’s finest and that is why our cold-pressed oils are 100% natural and preservative-free. Our homemade black seed oil is extraction from assorted Nigella Sativa seeds sourced from Ethiopia where black cumin grows indigenous. Our oils are fully organic and raw because they are not processed and free of additives. Visit now to find black seed products in UK

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